Monday, February 22, 2010

Vampires will never die

You've probably noticed that vampires are hot in the world of publishing. And television. And movies. Most people who track trends are saying that vampires are here to stay, and this makes me so happy I could SQUEEEEE!!! I don't write about vampires (or anything with fantasy elements) but lord do I love reading about them (and watching them). I love Lestat, and the Cullens (don't judge), and the Salvatore brothers, and Eric Northman. Oh how I love Eric Northman. Bill Compton not so much, but I digress.

Here's the thing about vampires, though. If you're writing about them, you're in a very crowded market. Some agents are even requesting "no vampires" in their submission guidelines. Don't let that discourage you. It just means that you need to be the best. You need to strive for the ranks of Anne Rice and Charlaine Harris. You need to come up with something that's never been done before, i.e steer clear of helpless human female falls in love with dangerous bad boy vampire. But for the sake of my own obsession, I really hope writers keep exploring the world of the undead. And I really hope those books continue to be optioned for TV because my life would be infinitely less without True Blood and The Vampire Diaries (which Ian Somerhalder recently confirmed has been picked up for season two--all together now: SQUEEEE!!!)


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